While Lending for Bad Credit can be a useful service for people with bad credit, the rates may be high. This is because lenders take a risk by lending to people with bad credit. Moreover, they will charge penalties and late fees. This can severely damage your credit score. In order to avoid this, it is advisable to read the terms and conditions carefully.
Lending for Bad Credit is an online marketplace for bad credit borrowers that provides information about lenders who are willing to lend to people with bad credit. The application form can be completed online and is secured with 256-bit encryption. The service does not disclose its lending criteria and APR ranges until after you receive loan offers.
Lending for Bad Credit also enables borrowers to connect with multiple lenders. However, they are unable to provide any specific terms for their loans, because these differ from lender to lender. Therefore, it is important to make sure the lender you choose is legitimate and has a good track record. A reputable lender will not contact you without your permission.